2022 is going to be a great year! It just has to be after the last 2 years.....right?
Having finally finished my AAT studies; after starting them in September 2019, I am ready to spend some time growing my business and taking one some new clients.
January is going to be a huge month, with Self Assessments due, and a couple of my clients have other returns due around this time. It will be nice to focus on the needs of my clients more this year, as most of the time spent studying can be transferred to them.Not all of it mind you, I still plan to spend a-lot of time learning and continuing to develop myself and my practice.
I have booked in on a 2 day course with AVN for their 2 day Masterclass to help understand how to grow my business, offer a better service for my clients, and not undervalue my skills and experience. I am very excited to attend this event, as the sessions I have had with Shane have be incredibly valuable given that during the past 2 years it has been tricky to attend networking events.
I have been currently considering my next step regarding qualifications, but it would appear my options are quite limited as I need to be working directly with someone and this is not an option being self employed. My plan at present is to focus on growth and not higher studies over the next 12 months until things are settled into a good routine, then revisit.
Last year we launched a 2nd location in Cambridge in anticipation of relocation there in the future. One of the main aims this year will be to attract more clients in the Cambridgeshire area and support our current clients more strongly by having regular visits.
All in all 2022 should be a promising year, lets hope it goes to plan.